Saturday, August 11, 2012

Final Posting of the Summer: A Reflection of My Postings on Atherosclerosis

            Thank you for all those people who have read these posts about atherosclerosis. I hope you found them interesting and helpful.
            What started as an English blog assignment, has become a learning experience.  While making these posts as a new blogger, it helped me understand atherosclerosis even better than before I began this blog.
If this is your first time viewing my blog, here is the list of postings I have made in the past and a brief summary to reiterate what I have discussed about atherosclerosis.
Ø  A brief introduction of me and the description of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the buildup of plaque in the arterial walls. It can occur in any region of the body including the brain, heart, and legs.

Ø  In this post, I mentioned the possibility of replacing blood vessels affected by atherosclerosis. Replacement vessels must be retrieved from another part of the patient's body. The potential of artificial blood vessels is also commented in this post.

Ø  Just as the title says, it contains a descriptive commentary of how the nervous system of the brain can affect atherosclerosis. Primarily, blood vessel dilation, or contraction, and blood pressure is affected by hormones from the brain.

Ø  A major factor that plays a role in atherosclerosis is cholesterol. Knowing the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol can be beneficial.

Ø  In this post, I briefly stated the signs and symptoms of atherosclerosis. Common causes of atherosclerosis include, old age, smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Common symptoms includes, pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, and stroke. Obtaining regular check-ups at your nearest medical facility can help catch disease at an early stage.  

Ø  The importance of basic exercise is emphasized in this post. Basic exercise includes jogging, walking, yoga, swimming, jump rope, and etc. The promotion of nitric oxide from exercise helps maintain your blood vessels elasticity. Some exercise is always better than none.

Ø  In this post, I noted that atherosclerosis is not always developed from eating habits, but genetics may play a role as well. An Olympic athlete died from heart attack because of atherosclerosis. Even though he was a championship swimmer, he had a trace of atherosclerosis that may have been inherited from someone in his family.

Ø  This post is comprised of facts and the deception society should be aware of when it comes down to trans fats.  There is general consensus that trans fats are bad for health. Consumers need to read nutritional labels, even if they say 0 grams of trans fat. Avoid any processed food in packages and the term "partially hydrogenated" oil.  Trans fat allow food manufacturers to make products with longer shelf life.  

Ø  This informative post contains beneficial food products that can help against atherosclerosis. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables can always be beneficial.

            After developing these posts over the summer, I have come to realize that my own diet is filled with flaws and trans fats. I noticed myself continually progressing towards eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoiding fast food places like McDonald's and Starbucks has been my first few steps. I find myself developing a new routing of oatmeal in the morning and salad for lunch.
            In addition, reading other articles about atherosclerosis and forums about health topics has become a favorite past time for me.  Some of my favorites belong to other science blogs and websites. A few sites I read about atherosclerosis include:

I hoped you enjoyed reading what I have to offer about atherosclerosis. If you have any comments or concerns, feel free to leave a comment, or email me.

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